Stewardship 2025
Dear St. James’ Family,
Most Sundays, we hear the words from Ephesians 5:2, which invite the offerings of our time, talent, and treasure to be placed on the Altar. “Walk in love,” the offertory sentence begins, “As Christ loved us….” These words are said at the pivotal moment in our worship as we transition from the ministry of the Word into the ministry of the Holy Eucharist.
Walking in love is something we cannot do alone – by definition, it implies connection and community. Whether we walk with a family member, friend, or neighbor to the Altar, we collectively bring our concerns, hopes, joys, and prayers to God.
Looking back at our church’s journey, can we imagine all of the connections and prayers at pivotal moments in our community’s life? Can we imagine how the people of St. James have walked together in times of hardship and difficulty as well as in times of joy and celebration?
For over 200 years, the people of St. James’ have walked together in love by serving as a beacon of hope and love for all. That journey of love continues today. In this past year alone, we have:
Donated 3,295 lbs. of food to Loudoun Hunger Relief
Served over 5,000 meals to those in the community through Grace2Go
Donated $26,000 to local non-profits
Made over 70 home communion visits
Completed vital restoration work on our historical church building
Added new campus signage (receiving the 2024 Joint Architectural Review Board Award)
Welcomed 45 new members
As you can see, when we gather in love, bless and break bread, and share our gifts and ourselves with the world, we bring healing and transformation to those around us.
As we continue our journey together, I invite you to prayerfully consider how you will walk in love with us at St. James’ in 2025. Consider the many people who have walked with you in love, supported you in your faith, and shared their gifts with you. How is God calling you to share your gifts, talents, and treasures as we walk in love together in the year ahead?
Perhaps 2025 is the year to make a pledge for the first time, or perhaps you can increase your pledge. Whatever you decide, please let us know by November 10. In the meantime, I invite you to share your stories of connection and shared ministry in this place. I invite you to walk in love.
Walking with you in love,
The Rev. Dr. Chad T. Martin

Stewardship FAQs
Q. What is Stewardship? A. Stewardship means wisely caring for something that belongs to someone else. The Bible calls us stewards of God’s creation. Everything belongs to God, not us. Q. What is a pledge? A. An annual pledge is a commitment made in faith on what you will give to the church’s annual operating budget in the coming year. Q. Why is the church leadership asking members to increase their pledge? A. We estimate that our 2024 ministry budget will increase by approximately 20%. It is amazing to see God doing great things in our church, but it also means we need to act in faith with our finances. Q. When I make a pledge, how will the money be used? A. These gifts go towards the church’s operating budget. This includes all the expenses of day-to-day ministry at St. James’ including worship expenses, local outreach, utilities, maintenance of our historical campus, and staff salaries. Q. How much should I give? A. This is a decision for each household to reach prayerfully. Our goal is to see each member giving in faith and in love. Q. What if I need to change my pledge during the year? A. A pledge is not a binding contract, but rather a promise of intention. If life circumstances change, please contact the church office. All conversations are confidential and pastoral support is always available. Q. Why is St. James’ talking about money? Isn’t that personal? A. We believe everything belongs to God, so for Christians money is not secret or “off limits.” Jesus talked about it a lot. We don’t do high-pressure talks but we always want to be transparent and open about how our members’ giving supports the ministry of our church and the surrounding community.
2025 Stewardship Committee
Michael Carren
Michael Fabian
Richard Hersh
Brendan Murphy
Sandy Wilson
Stacy Cleveland, Treasurer
The Rev. Chad Martin, Rector
Submitting your pledge online is safe, easy, environmentally friendly, and confidential. Please consider submitting your pledge online via the form below.
If you do not wish to submit your pledge online, pledge cards will be made available to our membership in Fall 2024. Printing your pledge card is a good option for those making their pledge later than November 2024 or for out-of-town members. You can mail your completed card to 8 Cornwall St. NW, Leesburg VA, 20176.