Annual Meeting 2022
St. James' held its Annual Parish Meeting on May 1, 2022. The Vestry, Ministry Leaders, & Staff have compiled their statements about the different ministries of St. James' into an Annual Report, which can be found below.
The agenda was as follows:
11:15 AM Welcome & Prayers - Father Earl Mullins
11:20 AM Reading and Approval of the Minutes from the 2021 Annual Meeting - Jane Roth
11:25 AM Introduction of the Candidate Slate for Election of Vestry Class of 2025
11:35 AM Distribution of Ballots and Voting for Vestry Class of 2025
11:45 AM Expressions of Appreciation - Father Earl Mullins
11:55 AM Financial Report - John Forcier
12:00 PM Junior Warden's Remarks - Tom Horne
12:05 PM Senior Warden's Remarks - Fred Williams
12:10 PM New Rector Discernment Committee Report - Stacy Cleveland
12:20 PM Announcement of New Vestry Class of 2025 - Father Earl Mullins
12:25 PM Questions & Open Forum
12:45 PM Closing Prayers
Our New Vestry Class of 2025
Scott Briles
Kathleen Greenough
Troy Harry
Melissa Sutton
Who can vote for Vestry Candidates?
According to the Canons of the Diocese of Virginia, "All adult communicants in good standing, registered in the particular Church in which they offer to vote, shall be entitled to vote at the election of Vestry members." If you have questions about your eligibility to vote, please call the Church Office at 703-777-1124.