Marriages at St. James'
St. James’ Church has been blessed with a beautiful church building in the heart of Leesburg, so we receive many inquiries about the availability of our church to “hold a wedding.”
We believe Christian marriage to be a sign of Christ’s love to a sinful and broken world; it is intended by God for the mutual joy of the couple, the help they give to one another in prosperity and adversity, and, when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of our Lord
We understand marriage is a sacramental rite which must be entered into and lived out within a community of faith.
Therefore, we only celebrate marriages for members, or relatives of members, of this parish.
If you're not actively engaged in the life of the parish, please do contact our Rector to discuss your hopes and our expectations
For further information, contact the office at 703-777-1124 or email us.