On Sunday, April 18 at 11:15 a.m., we'll be using Zoom to gather together as the people of St. James'.
Please mark your calendars for this important event in the life of our parish. We will celebrate our life in Christian community, give thanks for the blessings of our parish, welcome new Vestry members, and look ahead to the coming year. The Zoom "room" has room for 500, so all are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Please sign in at 11:00; the Annual Meeting will begin at 11:15.
Zoom may prompt you to download the Zoom software, if you haven’t yet done so.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87022337515
Passcode: 856482
You may need to wait for a moment if you’re a bit early!
Who's "running" for Vestry?
Eight candidates have been identified whose unique skills, gifts, and experience are well suited for this important leadership position at this time in our life together. We will be choosing four of them to serve on the Vestry for the next three years.
Fiona Ahrweiler
Sherri Dennis
Denny Farrington
George Garlick
Gary Gegenheimer
Christopher Hatch
Tamsyn Knight
Mike Scott